silver or plastic?

you know how they used to ask at the grocery store, paper or plastic? today’s questions is silver or plastic?  2 timothy 2:20-21 In a well-furnished kitchen there are not only crystal goblets and silver platters, but waste cans and compost buckets—some containers used to serve fine meals, others to take out the garbage. Become the kind of container God can use to present any and every kind of gift to his guests for their blessing.  we all want to be silver, something  that is noticed,  something that is desirable,  something that is of great value.  the other day someone told my wife , while i was with her, it must be nice to have someone so handsome with you today. well needless to say, i was liking the sound of that, it felt good.  but i will also admit that does not happen very often, just like silver at home, does not get used very often.  plastic on the other hand touches every part of our lives, think about that!  plastic held the  shampoo  i washed my hair with this morning, kept the water from running into the floor, was what i used to brush my teeth with this morning, contained the switch that i used to turn off the lights as i left the house this morning, was part of the vehicle that i used to get to the office…..get the picture?  what do you want to be, silver or plastic? something to be admired but seldom used, or something that is so common that it touches all who are around you…something to chew on and consider because life is made up of things such as this.

~ by gregcoe on August 22, 2007.

2 Responses to “silver or plastic?”

  1. Nice! that was deep and meaningful!

    I Choose Plastic!

  2. When you asked us this morning in our meeting, I thought of plastic only because I thought it was more usable. I was a bit proud of myself for making that choice after reading your entry. By the way, it was great!

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